In almost exactly half a year, there will be the 2nd Babelcamp – a CEE Social Media Barcamp. Again in Brno, again in English and again with many interesting speakers from various countries. But because I believe social media folks need to meet, I have decided to organize regular meetings called BabelTalk. Once a month, one month in Prague and the next one in Brno, inspired by Polish Social Media Thursdays. Three short presentations (one foreign guest), open mic for industry news & announcements. Networking. Free entry. We start this Thursady, 5 PM in Cross Club, Prague!
I know there are many different networking events, conferences and meet-ups. But I believe there’s still space for creating an interesting, specialized social media event. And I will try to make it a bit different. The first BabelTalk will take place in Cross Club, one of the most interesting clubs in Prague, on 20th Feb. We start at 5 PM. There will be three short presentations. First foreign guest will be Dawid Pacha, the founder of Polish Social Media Thursdays – but he will talk not just about them (it all started almost three years ago and now it takes place in 7 Polish cities), but also about his new project called Real Deal. Next presentations is titled: As Foursquare and Yelp get Louder – Who’s Listening? You might remember Belinda Felippelli (founder of from BabelCamp where she spoke about Vine and SocialCam). She will be joined by Mishka Plesnik, who is the only Yelp employee in Czech Republic. The third speaker… It will be me, Adam Zbiejczuk. As I want to ask you to help us out with BabelGuide – and explain why it’s a good idea

Photo by Dominik Gubi
The next part of the session is dedicated to… You! Open mic means, that everyone will have up to 3 minutes to share what there is to share. Looking for new colleagues? Finished a cool app? Want to show off with some great results? Trying to find partners for a special vertical? Read a mind-blowing blog post? Just tell us. And that’s the end of the “official” part – we’ll continue drinking, talking, chatting as much as you want. Have fun.
The presentations start at 5:30 PM. I know it might be quite early for some of you, but there is an evening music, so we have to finish with the official part before Last but not least: there will be some BabelCamp like free catering, prepared by Cimes Deli – sponsored by generous
The next BabelTalk will take place in Brno on 20th March in Bowling Bar Balkan. I hope the speakers will be interesting enough to make some of Prague based professionals to come too. You can look forward to meet for example Michael Kamleitner from Vienna based FB PMD Die Socialisten (whom we wanted to have as a speaker in August, but it didn’t work out) – and the other speakers should be interesting as well! We hope Marketing Festival and BabelCamp showed Brno in good light and you will find a way
PS: I know it’s early. But I don’t want to make the same mistake twice. So I announce it now: I look for sponsors for the next Babelcamp