Many of you have been to the Babel Camp last year – and we are happy to announce the Babel Camp 2014! We will again meet in Fléda club in Brno, this time the first Saturday in September = Sep 6th. There will be some changes as we want the event to be better, but the main goal is the same: to prepare a meet-up, for the social media people, by the social media people, in English, with plenty of foreign guests both among the speakers and in the audience. And yes, one important change: you shall buy the ticket. For a symbolic price of 111 CZK (=4€), so we lower the number of people who register and then don’t come. Wanna know more? Read on or simply visit
Probably you are interested in the speakers – we decided to go for just one stage (the big one) this year. So there might be less speakers, but we hope the line-up is going to please everybody.
Josef Šlerka is a Czech social media rockstar and being part of the SocialBakers team, he can play with big international datasets. His topic should be “Real-time Social Media Reporting”, but as we know him, we might be once again surprised.
Chris Lee is a London based PR strategist from Grayling Global and we are happy to have him here – social media, blogging and brands, we look forward to hear some fresh stories from all around the world.
Then there are speakers we wanted to bring last year: Hubert Tworkowski from SoTrender (advanced analytics rom Poland) or Michael Kamleitner from die Socialisten (creative social media agency, PMD and creators of social media tools from Vienna). Michal Pastier (from Zaraguza) was on my last-year wishlist too: I believe he’s one of the best Slovak speakers – and one of the smartest / craziest creative directors in Europe (at least).
Alžběta Matějů (from, one of our partners) connects the world of social media and SEO and Karel Tlusťák will focus on ROI – as he is the creator of ROI Hunter and CEO of Business Factory.
And there are more interesting speakers yet in the pipeline! But wait: if there is just one stage, what is going to take place in the rest of the Fléda Club? Workshops! We think it is important to add another, more engaging format, so there will be workshops. More about them soon! And of course – as the last year – yummy catering, cool after-party, place for networking, lovely Twitter wall… We are especially happy that we will have guests from other countries, there is even a “social media bus” planned to come from Vienna to Brno!
We will soon add more details (and more speakers), but if you want to be part of it, we recommend to BUY THE TICKET! the sale starts today at 10 AM. You can also join the Facebook Event, but this is not a reservation of your seat, it is here just so you know how many of your friends are coming too
You can also read about how was it last year, so you have even more reasons to come
Last but not least: we are still in the need of sponsors. Glad to have Seznam and H1:cz as partners and we hope to cooperate with KISK and again – but we still need a bit more cash. What can you get? Check the presentations for sponsors. And of course: spread the news! Tweet it, share it, mail it… We hope to see many of you in Brno – in a month