Social Media Reviews

David Szabo – The Future of Business is Personalization

We met with David during the first Social Media Barcamp in Central Europe – BabelCamp in Brno. Back then he was talking about influencers and their role. And this seemed to as a very interesting topic. However, in the interview he talks not only of influencers, but also about his influencer targeting app BrandVee or the startup community in London …

Dávid Szabó - BrandVee

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Manage your likes – clean up your Facebook Newsfeed

Ever wondered how many Facebook Pages you “liked” over the time? I believe many of you did. All the memes from the past, your friend’s long time forgotten projects, closed pubs you used to like – not to forget all films, books or tv shows you listed in your profile yet before Facebook made Pages of them. And now all …

Manage your likes

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Journey to a Fairy-Tale Kingdom

A story from enchanted Istria by Martina Vuksan or How I spend Weekend Media Festival 2013 as in a fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was an old tobacco factory in Rovinj. It supplied the Austro-Hungarian army with their favourite cigars. A hundred years later, two princes rode by and discovered this beautiful, but decayed space. The sight was …

Weekend media festival

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An epic story of how to get over 100,000 clicks dirt cheap

Most professionals know very well that hidden in fifty shades of gray there is an area of Facebook marketing that will never make it to Facebook Studio – though it is sometimes much more effective. People sell Facebook fans for pennies and this whole segment of Facebook traffic business is usually not covered – as it of course breaks Facebook rules. But I believe it is definitely worth examination. My friends and former colleagues from Ataxo Interactive did a great job in revealing one campaign and they even included a lot of source data. How to get 100k clicks dirt cheap? Well, you can trick people to click on links if they think they lead to naked babes. Not a revolution, but surely an evolution in online marketing has taken place. The company behind this is respected by many clients as an example of customer-oriented business. We might wonder about the ethics behind it – but it probably works well.

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